kendall hebert

good words for good people.

Am I Doing This Right?! How to Embrace Fall Back + Shorter, Darker Days

Am I Doing This Right?! How to Embrace Fall Back + Shorter, Darker Days

Happy Monday!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Kendall here today, with another post in our “Am I Doing This Right?!” series — this time, a very timely topic–how to embrace darker days now that “fall back” is in full swing.

It’s easy to dread the shorter, darker days that come along with falling back, and if that’s you, you’re not alone. According to a 2020 Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine study, the sun setting an hour earlier has been tied to an increase in depression and anxiety, and reduced daylight tends to make people generally less joyful and more apathetic.

That sounds bleak, I know — but the good news is that there are tangible little things you can do to combat these feelings and set yourself up for success throughout the darker, colder months. Read on for tips for beating the Daylight Savings dread:

Read more:

7 Little Ways to Add Simplicity + Joy into Your Everyday

7 Little Ways to Add Simplicity + Joy into Your Everyday

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